
Biophilic Design

Codes of the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2018

The Bucket & the Shower

Examining bathing, modernity, heritage and nostalgia in India

Disorderly Design

In praise of local idiosyncrasies – India vs Singapore & global homogeneity


Brand Worlds
Contributions From


Cathy Maisano

Cathy Maisano is a cultural and behavioural researcher, specialising in ethnography and semiotics. She has run her own freelance business called Cradle-Research in the UK where she has lived for ten and a half years. Now on her first ever ‘gap year’, she and her family have returned to Australia. ‘Getting under the skin of Down Under will be my daily pleasure!’

Sydney, Australia

Kristian Bankov

Kristian Bankov (b. 1970) is professor in semiotics, sociology of consumption and brand communication at New Bulgarian University. He is the head of the Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies and director of the Sociosemiotic laboratory there. KB is the main organizer of the annual Early Fall School in Semiotics (EFSS) which takes place in Bulgaria, mostly in Sozopol, each September since 1995. He likes beer and football. For more information see Facebook.

Sofia, Bulgaria

Charles Leech

Charles Leech is a partner at ABM Research ( Since his PhD in Applied Semiotics from QUT, he’s been an active commercial semiotician for over 13 years, working on projects for clients from AB-InBev to Nestlé to Unilever. Charles has helped ABM deliver profound, penetrating analyses on everything from tampons in Sao Paolo to light beer in Xiamen. He’s also worked tirelessly on commercial semiotics evangelism to clients, marketing and research organizations, and pretty much anyone else who’ll listen.

Toronto, Canada