
Biophilic Design

Codes of the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2018

The Bucket & the Shower

Examining bathing, modernity, heritage and nostalgia in India

Disorderly Design

In praise of local idiosyncrasies – India vs Singapore & global homogeneity


Brand Worlds
Contributions From


Arief Fauzy

Arief is a budding cultural researcher and semiotician, with a BA (Hons) in International Media & Communications from the University of Nottingham, focusing on cultural studies. Aiming to grow as a communications analyst by applying cultural insights toward consumer engagement and brand development strategies, his Third Culture Kid upbringing has led to particular interest in the negotiation of transnational identities, intercultural relations, and the nuances of cultural meaning. He is also fascinated by popular culture phenomena and emergent cultures.

Bucharest, Romania

Lucia Neva

A founding partner of Visual Signo, Lucia is a graphic designer and anthropologist with deep expertise in the use and exploration of methodologies for the analysis of the visual through design principles and anthropological thinking. She has more than 10 years of experience as a graphic designer, semiotician, and researcher delivering cultural and design insight, semiotic strategies and research for companies in a wide range of sectors. Lucia has worked as a professor, researcher for research and marketing strategies agencies, semiotician, and independent graphic design consultant.

London, UK

Tim Spencer

Tim Spencer spent fifteen years in brand building for business, retail, fashion, and music, then five as an illustrator whilst starting a family. He joined a semiotics consultancy early 2010. Notable achievements; D&AD Silver nomination for hand drawn typography campaign (Paul Smith’s R.Newbold brand c1994); Global restructure of Caterpillar's brand licensing through self-authored workshop series; Re-branded UK's PrudentialPLC; Creative direction (and illustration) of the commercial launch of Scissor Sisters; hundreds of illustrations for BBC Top Gear; and two daughters.

Brighton, UK