
Biophilic Design

Codes of the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2018

The Bucket & the Shower

Examining bathing, modernity, heritage and nostalgia in India

Disorderly Design

In praise of local idiosyncrasies – India vs Singapore & global homogeneity


Brand Worlds
Contributions From


Gabriela Pedranti

Gabriela Pedranti is a communicator and cultural analyst. She holds a BA in Communications from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and a MA in Contemporary Film and Audiovisual Studies (UPF, Barcelona, Spain). Along with semiotician Ximena Tobi, they own Semiotica Studio. Gabriela was the general coordinator of Semiofest 2013 Barcelona, and currently coordinates the BA Fashion Marketing and Communication at IED Barcelona, validated by the University of Westminster (UK). Since 2016, she's also been a lecturer at UPF.

Barcelona, Spain

Charles Leech

Charles Leech is a partner at ABM Research ( Since his PhD in Applied Semiotics from QUT, he’s been an active commercial semiotician for over 13 years, working on projects for clients from AB-InBev to Nestlé to Unilever. Charles has helped ABM deliver profound, penetrating analyses on everything from tampons in Sao Paolo to light beer in Xiamen. He’s also worked tirelessly on commercial semiotics evangelism to clients, marketing and research organizations, and pretty much anyone else who’ll listen.

Toronto, Canada

Chris Arning

Chris specializes in semiotics and cultural insight. He has 10 years of international experience as a qualitative researcher and semiotician. He has a BA in History, an MA in International Relations and studied semiotics under Professor Marcel Danesi at University of Toronto. As Head of Semiotics at Flamingo Research he designed and led semiotics projects for brands as diverse as Pepsico, Pernod Ricard, O2, Manchester City FC and the World Gold Council. He is the author of two Semiotica papers and two ESOMAR papers and is founder and steward of the Linked In Semiotic Thinking Group.

London, UK